The network connection, also known as Ethernet, is an industrially standardized connection via shielded, interference-resistant cables. The transmission is completely isolated and differential. A network connection is EMV-proof, tested in a harsh industrial environment and very fast.
Network CNC Control
Further advantages are that each PC has a built-in RJ45 Ethernet interface, there is no restriction on the operating system used. The cable length in an Ethernet segment can be> 100m, the connection via switches is possible, so that without problems several machines in a network can be operated simultaneously.
The user does not have to configure anything, just connect it. The software finds the machine completely by itself. It can be controlled by any number of modules, eg for switching inputs and outputs.
- Industrial standard connection via shielded, interference-resistant cables
- Maximum stepping frequency of 1.6 MHz (which is about 15x faster than USB CNC solutions and the fastest in this price segment worldwide)
- No failures in grounding problems
- If PC fails or is not 100% real-time, the machine remains controlled and it can be worked on after rebooting the PC, it is also possible to re-enter the current program at an earlier stage and carry on where the program was stopped.
- Several machines can be connected directly to a control Computer.
- Number of axes in the case of KinetiC-NC extended to up to 6 axes
- The number of inputs and outputs can be expanded almost without limitation
- Cable lengths in an Ethernet segment can be up to 100m in length
- User does not need to configure anything (when using KinetiC-NC and CncPOD). Just connect it.Conclusion: Only with a network connection is a worry-free, reliable operation possible.
The KinetiC-NC is based on a self-contained, fast processor, which independently calculates the acceleration ramps and signal outputs for the axes. The 32bit processor with 8 cores is extremely powerful.
Proximity frequencies up to 1.6MHz (1600kHz) can be output per axis, so there is no limitation for high-precision and extremely fast servo drives.
KinetiC-NC CncPOD Network Controller
The processor independently calculates brake and acceleration ramps. If the connection fails to the control computer, the machine brakes controlled and waits until the connection can be restored.
Even pulling out of the network cable or switching off of the control computer (power failure) does not disturb the machine. The tool and workpiece remain protected, the position of the machine is maintained, and the machining can be continued at any time.
Conclusion: Only a separate processor, independent of the control PC, is reliable.
Most of the existing control systems do not use dynamically calculated braking and acceleration ramps but fixed specifications. This leads to vibrations, resonances, sudden movements. The pulse output is frequency-dependent, means the pulses are not always the same. Directional changes are not always output 100% synchronously with the clock signals.
Lossless without Jitter an step loss
As a result, the motors can sometimes be “forgotten” or jittered, and the motors run unclean.The KinetiC-NC calculates the brake ramp every time, outputs the signals with frequency-independent precision, the clock ratio is always 50%. Change of directions are always executed precisely and accurately.
So there is neither the possibility of “forgetting” jitter nor tact . The engines run smoothly and have more torque. There is absolutely no adjustment or adjustment to power amplifiers from different manufacturers necessary.
Conclusion: Thanks to its own processor, signals are output precisely and cleanly. This system is unique among the well-known step-direction controllers.
Short circuit protection
All KinetiC-NC signal outputs are short-circuit-proof. In contrast to many products on the market, the cnc pod can not be destroyed by faulty cables, also the control PC is protected if the machine has a defect.
Conclusion: Increased security for the control PC and the connected hardware thanks to KinetiC-NC
Plug & Play – It’s that easy!
All machines and accessories are preconfigured in the software. Simply select the machine you have purchased and get started. Nothing needs to be configured.
Conclusion: High productivity thanks to KinetiC-NC and without a long try-out!